Covalence 101

10 Common Front-End Errors and How to Fix Them

Jackson Carr
September 27, 2024
8 minutes
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The landscape of website and application development has been in a constant state of evolution — from the emergence of new technologies to the ever-evolving best practices. But one thing stays the same: Frontend development can be tough. 

Front-end development serves as the cornerstone of web development, shaping user interactions and experiences. Front-end development is a critical aspect of the web development process, involving the creation of user interfaces and experiences. However, it's not without its challenges. Here are 10 common front-end errors and their solutions:

Cross-Browser Compatibility Issues:

When developing a website, one of the most common challenges is ensuring that it looks and behaves consistently across different web browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Internet Explorer (Edge). Each browser has its own rendering engine and interpretation of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, which can lead to variations in how a website is displayed and functions.

Your website may appear differently or have functional discrepancies when viewed in various browsers. For example, a layout that looks perfect in Chrome might have elements misaligned or overlapping in Internet Explorer, or a JavaScript feature that works flawlessly in Firefox may not function at all in Safari.

Addressing cross-browser compatibility issues requires a combination of strategies to ensure a consistent and seamless experience for all users, regardless of their choice of browser. Start by using CSS reset stylesheets and frameworks like Bootstrap to keep things consistent. Test your website on different browsers, and try out tools like BrowserStack to see how it looks. Don't forget to use prefixes for CSS properties and check that your HTML and CSS are all good to go.

Unresponsive Layouts:

When designing a website or web application, it's essential to ensure that the layout adapts seamlessly to different screen sizes and devices. A responsive layout adjusts its design and content presentation dynamically based on the screen size and orientation, providing users with an optimal viewing experience across various devices, including desktops, laptops, tablets, and smartphones.

Unresponsive layouts occur when the design fails to adapt or respond effectively to different screen sizes, resulting in elements being misplaced, overlapping, or rendered off-screen. This can lead to a disjointed and frustrating user experience, particularly on mobile devices where space is limited. 

To ensure your website looks great and works well on any device, there are a few steps you can take. First, try starting with a mobile-first design approach. This means designing your site for mobile devices first, then scaling up for larger screens. Next, use responsive units like percentages, viewport width (vw), viewport height (vh), and media queries in your CSS to make sure your layout adjusts smoothly based on the screen size.

Here's an example of the error: Imagine a website with fixed-width layouts (like width: 960px;), which results in users having to scroll horizontally on their mobile devices just to see the full content.

The solution? Refactor the CSS to use relative units and media queries. For instance, instead of setting a fixed width, use percentages and max-width for your containers:

.container { 
width: 100%;
max-width: 960px;
margin: auto;

And to handle smaller screens, apply adjustments with media queries. Here's how you can add padding to the container for screens smaller than 768px wide:

@media (max-width: 768px) {
  .container {
    padding: 0 20px;

By making these changes, you ensure that your layout remains flexible and user-friendly across different screen sizes, eliminating the need for horizontal scrolling on mobile devices.

Slow Page Load Times:

When a website loads slowly, it can frustrate users, leading to a poor user experience and potentially harming your site's search engine rankings. Slow page load times can be caused by various factors, including large image sizes, bloated CSS and JavaScript files, and inefficient loading techniques.

Slow page load times not only diminish user satisfaction but also impact SEO performance, as search engines like Google prioritize fast-loading websites in their search results.

To fix this, optimize image sizes, minify CSS and JavaScript files, and use lazy loading for images. Consider using a content delivery network (CDN) to serve files faster.

JavaScript Errors:

JavaScript errors occur when there are issues with the syntax, logic, or execution of JavaScript code on a website or web application. These errors can manifest in various forms, such as syntax errors, runtime errors, or logical errors, and can disrupt the functionality of the website, leading to a poor user experience.

JavaScript errors have the potential to break critical functionality on your website or web application, resulting in unexpected behavior, unresponsive features, or even complete failure to load. When users encounter JavaScript errors, it can diminish their experience and erode trust in your site's reliability and usability.

Following best practices and coding conventions in JavaScript development can help prevent common pitfalls and minimize the risk of errors. This includes writing modular, reusable code, using descriptive variable and function names, handling exceptions gracefully, and avoiding deprecated or unsafe features.  You can also use ‘console.log()’ to debug and identify issues. Also, validate your code with tools like ESLint to catch syntax errors and follow best practices to avoid common pitfalls.

CSS Specificity Conflicts:

CSS specificity determines which styles take precedence when conflicting rules apply to the same element, and understanding how specificity works is essential for resolving conflicts effectively.

CSS specificity conflicts can arise when styles applied to an element are overridden by more specific or higher-priority rules elsewhere in the stylesheet. This can lead to frustration and confusion for developers, as styles don't apply as expected, resulting in inconsistent or undesired visual presentation on the website. 

To address CSS specificity conflicts, understand and use CSS specificity rules correctly. Use a consistent naming convention like BEM to avoid conflicts. When necessary, utilize ‘!important’ judiciously.

One common scenario of this issue occurs when an element's style isn't applied because another CSS selector with higher specificity takes precedence. To fix this, you can increase the specificity of your selector carefully or refactor your CSS to avoid overly specific selectors. For example:

// Instead of 
#main .content .my-element {
color: red;

// You can use
.my-element-specific {
color: red;

By using a more specific class name like ‘.my-element-specific’, you can avoid conflicts and ensure that your styles are applied as intended, making your CSS code more maintainable and easier to manage.

Broken Links and Resources

Broken links and missing resources pose significant challenges for website usability and credibility. When users encounter 404 errors or missing images, it disrupts their browsing experience and can lead to frustration and a negative perception of the website. These issues can occur due to various reasons, such as outdated URLs, removed or relocated content, or improperly linked resources. 

Addressing broken links and missing resources is essential to maintain a seamless and reliable browsing experience for users. By regularly auditing the website using tools like Broken Link Checker, developers can identify and rectify broken links and missing resources promptly. Additionally, ensuring that all resources are correctly linked and uploaded to the server helps prevent future occurrences of broken links and missing assets.

Form Validation Issues

When forms accept invalid data or behave unpredictably, it can lead to user frustration and errors in data submission. These issues may arise due to various factors, including missing or improper validation mechanisms, inconsistent error handling, or lack of user feedback. Inaccurate or incomplete data submissions resulting from validation issues can disrupt business processes, compromise data integrity, and undermine the overall user experience. 

To address form validation issues effectively, developers should implement robust validation mechanisms using a combination of HTML5 form attributes for basic validation and JavaScript for more complex validation requirements. Providing clear and informative error messages that guide users in correcting input errors can help mitigate validation issues and improve the usability of web forms.

One common example of this error occurs when a form mistakenly accepts email addresses without the "@" symbol, leading to inaccurate data submissions. To address this issue, developers can employ HTML5 input types and patterns for basic validation:

<input type="email" pattern=".+@.+\.com" title="Please include '@' and '.com'">

JavaScript can also be utilized for handling more complex validation scenarios beyond the capabilities of HTML5. Combining these approaches enables developers to create robust form validation mechanisms that enhance data accuracy and user experience.

Security Vulnerabilities

Security vulnerabilities pose significant risks to websites, making them susceptible to various cyber threats such as cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks or data breaches. These vulnerabilities can arise from flaws in the website's code, inadequate protection measures, or outdated software components. XSS attacks, for example, exploit vulnerabilities in web applications to inject malicious scripts into web pages viewed by other users. Similarly, data breaches can occur when sensitive information stored on the website's servers is accessed or stolen by unauthorized parties. 

To address security vulnerabilities effectively, website owners and developers must implement robust security measures. This includes sanitizing user input to prevent injection attacks, using HTTPS to encrypt data transmitted between the web server and clients, and implementing content security policies to mitigate risks associated with malicious scripts.

An example of this error is when a website becomes vulnerable to cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks because it directly outputs user input without proper sanitization. This means that any malicious scripts entered by users can be executed within the website's context, posing a serious security risk. 

To mitigate this vulnerability, developers should sanitize user input by escaping special characters. For instance, in JavaScript special characters like "<" and ">" should be replaced with their HTML entity equivalents ("<" and ">") to prevent them from being interpreted as HTML or JavaScript code:

const sanitizedInput = userInput.replace(//g, ">");

Accessibility Concerns

Accessibility concerns arise when websites are not designed and developed to be inclusive, making them difficult or impossible for certain users, particularly those with disabilities, to access and use effectively. These issues can manifest in various forms, such as inaccessible navigation, non-descriptive links or buttons, lack of keyboard navigation support, or insufficient contrast for users with visual impairments. 

Failing to address accessibility concerns not only limits the ability of users with disabilities to interact with the website but also violates their rights to equal access to information and services online.

To tackle accessibility challenges, website developers must adhere to established guidelines, such as the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG), which provide best practices for creating accessible web content. This includes using semantic HTML markup to provide meaningful structure and context to web pages, ensuring keyboard navigability to accommodate users who cannot use a mouse, and incorporating Accessible Rich Internet Applications (ARIA) roles and attributes where necessary to enhance accessibility for dynamic web content. Regular testing with accessibility tools and conducting user testing with individuals with disabilities are also essential steps to identify and address accessibility barriers effectively.

Git Merge Conflicts

Git merge conflicts occur when collaborating on code, typically in projects involving multiple developers working on the same codebase. These conflicts arise when changes made by one developer conflict with changes made by another developer, making it impossible for Git to automatically merge the changes. Merge conflicts can lead to development delays as developers must manually resolve the conflicts before proceeding with their work. Common causes of merge conflicts include concurrent edits to the same file or conflicting changes to the same lines of code.

Resolving merge conflicts requires careful coordination and communication among team members. Developers should always pull the latest changes from the remote repository before pushing their work to ensure they are working with the most up-to-date codebase. Using visual diff tools can help developers identify conflicting changes and understand the nature of the conflicts, enabling them to make informed decisions on how to resolve them.

Navigating the complexities of front-end development requires a keen understanding of common errors and effective strategies for resolution. Investing in professional development through resources like Covalence's Front End Fundamentals course can provide developers with the knowledge, skills, and confidence needed to prevent and fix these errors effectively. Through comprehensive instruction, participants learn essential principles and techniques for creating robust and accessible web applications.

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